Thursday, July 20, 2006

Can't see the sun, so I'm safe...

Dear Delicious Diary...

I'm on my 4th rum and coke, and loving it. I'm a gentle person, and enjoy my addictions with decorum and style... well, mostly. I have had the occasional falling out with my karmic side, but by and large karma and I are kool.

So what's new? Bugger all, really. Just the same old same old, as the illiterate say. Personally, being a writer, I'd say that nothing has changed and that everything is just the same.... see the difference? (Yawn..)

So, then, I'm off shortly to combine, heat up and add to a whole plethora of fridge scraps for dinner. I'll add onion, jalapenos, carrot and a lot of steamed rice... easy peasy. That'll take care of the left-overs from the last three nights. I'm nothing if not thrifty....


Friday, July 14, 2006

Another sunny Friday...

Nothing much to report, really, but what there is I will.

The sun is shining for change, although it is still chilly. I love the winter: snow, ice, rain, I love it all. I wouldn't give you fourpence for the summer. Why am I not living in Canada or Alaska you ask? If you come across an answer let me know, OK?

Woke up yesterday with a mad idea for a piece of flash... so what else if new? After flesh-eating goats, what else could there be? But it's finished in draft form, and my Super-Editor will no doubt rip strips off me for my misuse of commas, apostrophes and tense. As it should be... she's good, too, even if I moan.

Wrote a poem yesterday also (three, actually) for our monthly live poetry group challenge. This month's theme is "The Mirror" which is a great theme. One poem I will turn into a piece of flash later... I seem to be addicted to flash as I am to sonnets.

But then I'm an addictive bugger at the best of times. Oh, well... time for gin and coke. No, of course I'm not addicted!


Thursday, July 13, 2006

To hangover or not to hangover...

...that is the question I've never asked myself. However, it is a curious thing that I never get hangovers. Curious enough in itself, don't you think? But what I cannot figure out is whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

I mean, if I got the sort of hangover that I see other people enjoying, then maybe I wouldn't drink as much... and I drink a fair bit. On the other hand, I enjoy drinking, so if I got hangovers I might think twice about drinking so much, and thereby deny myself the pleasures of it.

Do you see my dilemma? Sure, if I didn't drink as much I would have more money to spend on other things. Like what? I don't wear underpants or bet on racehorses... and I get pleasure from the money I spend on booze.

Perhaps there's no dilemma at all... or if there is, it is all in my head. But then, isn't everything?

NONONO! I refuse to go there..... today.

How to begin, la la la..........

Thus far I've avoided the temptations of blogging. This morning, at 4.49am, I have released the Dogs of Addiction.... as if I needed another one.How will I answer myself? Will I be polite to myself? Stay tuned for this unfolding and boring personal bit of faeces.
